Why Are Good Oral Habits Important For Kids?

The oral habits your child establishes when they're young will stick with them for the rest of their lives. Great at-home oral hygiene helps prevent common issues like gum disease and cavities, and sets them up for a lifetime of healthy smiles. Because of this, it’s really important to make sure your child brushes and flosses regularly, and comes into our office every 6 months for a checkup.

The Benefits Of Good Oral Habits

Building good oral health habits starts with parents. Here are just a few reasons you need to encourage your child to take better care of their teeth and gums.

Prevent Common Oral Health Issues

Tooth decay is the #1 most common preventable oral health condition in kids and in dental patients of all ages. The good news is that with a healthy diet, good oral habits, and routine visits to the dentist, cavities are completely avoidable.

Save Time & Money

If your child takes good care of their teeth, they're less likely to have problems like cavities or infected teeth. That means you won’t have to pay for procedures like fillings and crowns, and your little one won’t have to make as many visits to the dentist as they grow up.

Set Your Child Up For Success

What you learn as a child sticks with you. So if you encourage your children to brush regularly, floss daily, and see the dentist every 6 months, they’ll continue these habits into adulthood. That sets them up for a lifetime of healthy, happy smiles!

Ready to Become a Smile Bud?

We love helping little smiles grow and shine.
schedule your child’s appointment today!